Kobayashi K, Kable J, Hsu M, & Jenkins A.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences,.
Berger J, Packard G, Boghrati R, Hsu M, Humphreys A, Luangrath A, Moore S, Nave G, Olivola C, & Rocklage M.
Marketing Letters,
Maboudian S, Hsu M, and Zhang Z
Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience,
Hunter L, Meer E, Gillan C, Hsu M, & Daw N.
Nature Human Behavior, 2021.
Zhang Z, Wang S, Good M, Hristova S, Kayser A, & Hsu M
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences,.
Clithero J, Hsu M, & Karmarkar U.
Journal of the Association for Consumer Research,.
Furman D, Zhang Z, Chatham C, Good M, Badre D, Hsu M & Kayser A.
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience.
Zhang Z, Chandra S, Kayser A, Hsu M & Warren JL
Computational Psychiatry.
Gillen B, Hirota M, Hsu M, Plott C, & Rogers B.
Economic Theory.
Beagle A, Zahir A, Borzello M, Kayser A, Hsu M, Miller BL, Kramer J & Chiong W.

Kobayashi K & Hsu M.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 2019.
π· Risk & Uncertainty π· Learning βοΈ fMRI

Zhu L, Jiang Y, Scabini D, Knight RT, & Hsu M.
Nature Communications. 2019.
π· Learning π· Social Decision-Making βοΈ Lesion

Berry A, Jagust W, & Hsu M.
Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience. 2018.
π· Translational Research βοΈ PET π Review

Castrellon J, Seaman K, Crawford J, Young J, Smith C, Dang L, Hsu M, Cowan R, Zald D, & Samanez-Larkin G.
Journal of Neuroscience. 2018.
π· Translational Research βοΈ PET

Jenkins AC, Karashchuk P, Zhu L & Hsu M.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 2018.
π· Social Decision-Making βοΈ Behavioral

Saez, I, Lin J, Stolk A, Chang E, Parvizi J, Schalk G, Knight RT & Hsu M.
Current Biology 2018
π· Risk & Uncertainty βοΈ ECoG

Gao XX, Yu HB, Saez I, Blue PR, Zhu L, Hsu M & Zhou XL.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2018.
π· Social Decision-Making βοΈ fMRI

Seaman K, Brooks N, Karrer T, Castrellon J, Perkins S, Dang L, Hsu M, Zald D & Samanez-Larkin G.
Social Cognitive & Affective Neuroscience, 2018.
π· Risk & Uncertainty π· Time Discounting π· Translational Research βοΈ fMRI

Kobayashi K & Hsu M.
Journal of Neuroscience, 2017.
π· Risk & Uncertainty βοΈ fMRI

Jenkins A & Hsu M.
Psychological Science, 2017.
π· Time Discounting βοΈ fMRI

Lieder F, Griffiths T & Hsu M.
Psychological Review, 2017
π· Risk & Uncertainty βοΈ Behavioral

Hsu M.
California Management Review, 2017.
π· Neuromarketing π Review

Hsu M.
In Moran Cerf, Manuel Garcia, eds. Consumer Neuroscience, MIT Press, 2017.
π· Neuromarketing π Book Chapter

Yim OS, Zhang X, Shalev I, Monakhov M, Zhong S, Hsu M, Chew SH, Lai PS & Ebstein RP.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2016.
π· Time Discounting βοΈ Genetics

Jenkins A, Zhu L & Hsu M.
Current Opinions in Behavioral Sciences, 2016.
π· Social Decision-Making βοΈ fMRI βοΈ Lesion π Review

Zhong S, Chark R, Hsu M & Chew SH.
NeuroImage, 2016.
π· Social Decision-Making βοΈ fMRI

Kitayama S, King A, Hsu M & Liberzon I.
Current Opinion in Psychology, 2016.
π· Social Decision-Making βοΈ Genetics π Review

Seaman K, Gorlick M, Vekaria K, Hsu M, Zald D & Samanez-Larkin G.
Psychology and Aging, 2016.
π· Social Decision-Making π· Risk & Uncertainty π· Translational Research βοΈ Behavioral

Hsu M & Chiong W.
In Michael Diefenbach, Deborah Bowen, and Suzanne M. Miller, eds. Handbook of Health Decision Science. Springer, 2016.
π· Translational Research π Book Chapter

Saez I, Zhu L, Set E, Kayser A & Hsu M.
Current Biology, 2015.
π· Social Decision-Making βοΈ Pharmacology

Chen YP, Nelson L & Hsu M.
Journal of Marketing Research, 2015.
π· Neuromarketing βοΈ fMRI

Chiong W, Wood K, Beagle A, Hsu M, Kayser A, Miller B & Kramer J.
Brain, 2015.
π· Risk & Uncertainty π· Translational Research βοΈ Behavioral

Hsu M & Yoon C.
Current Opinions in Behavioral Sciences, 2015.
π· Neuromarketing π Review

Hsu M & Jenkins A.
Nature Neuroscience, 2015.
π· Social Decision-Making π Review

Hsu M & Preuschoff K.
in Arthur W. Toga, ed. Brain Mapping: An Encyclopedic Reference, Academic Press, 2015.
π· Risk & Uncertainty π Book Chapter

Zhu L, Jenkins A, Set E, Scabini D, Knight RT, Chiu PH, King-Casas B & Hsu M.
Nature Neuroscience, 2014.
Experiment Instructions]
π· Social Decision-Making βοΈ Lesion

Set E, Saez I, Zhu L, Houser D, Myung N, Zhong SF, Ebstein R, Chew SH & Hsu M (2014)
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2014.
π· Learning βοΈ Genetics

Hsu M & Zhu L.
In Tom Zentall and Phil Crowley, eds. Comparative Decision Making, 2015.
π· Risk & Uncertainty π Book Chapter

Bertoux M, Cova F, Pessiglione M, Hsu M, Dubois B & Bourgeois-Gironde S.
Frontiers in Neuroscience, 2014.
π· Risk & Uncertainty π· Translational Research βοΈ Behavioral

Smidts A, Hsu M, Sanfey A, Boksem M, Ebstein R, Huettel S, Kable J, Karmarkar U, Kitayama S, Knutson B, Liberzon I, Lohrenz T, Stallen M & Yoon C.
Marketing Letters, 2014.
π· Neuromarketing π Review

Zhu L, Walsh D & Hsu M.
Frontiers in Neuroscience, 2013.
π· Learning π· Translational Research βοΈ Behavioral

Hsu M & Zhu L.
Louvain Economic Review, 2013.
π· Learning π Book Chapter

Preuschoff K, Mohr P &Hsu M.
Frontiers in Neuroscience, 2013.
π· Risk & Uncertainty

Chiong W, Hsu M, Wudka D, Miller B & Rosen H.
NeuroCase, 2013.
π· Translational Research βοΈ Behavioral

Zhu, L, Mathewson K & Hsu M.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2012.
π· Learning βοΈ fMRI

Hsu M.
Peer Sphere: The CMO Council Journal, 2012.
π· Neuromarketing π Popular Writing

Amaldoss W, Brown A, Chen Y, Cui T, Galasso A, Ho TH, Hossain T, Hsu M, Lim N, Xiao M & Yan B.
Marketing Letters, 2012.
π· Neuromarketing π Review

Hsu M.
Preface to Investing and the Irrational Mind by Robert Koppel, McGraw-Hill, 2011.
π· Risk & Uncertainty π Popular Writing
Rastad M, Zhu L, Koenker R, Spencer-Smith J & Hsu M.
International Conference on Pattern Recognition, 2010.
π· Social Decision-Making βοΈ Behavioral

Hsu M, Krajbich I, Zhao C & Camerer C.
Journal of Neuroscience, 2009.
π· Risk & Uncertainty βοΈ fMRI

Sokol-Hessner P, Hsu M, Curley N, Delgado M, Camerer C & Phelps E.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2009.
π· Risk & Uncertainty βοΈ Psychophysiology

Kang MJ, Hsu M, Krajbich I, Loewenstein G, McClure S, Wang J & Camerer CF.
Psychological Science, 2009.
π· Risk & Uncertainty βοΈ fMRI βοΈ Psychophysiology

Hsu M.
Journal of Economic Literature, 2009.
π· Risk & Uncertainty π Popular Writing

Hsu M, Anen C & Quartz S.
Science, 2008.
π· Social Decision-Making βοΈ fMRI

Schultz W, Preuschoff K, Camerer C, Hsu M, Fiorillo C, Tobler P & Bossaerts P.
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, 2008.
π· Risk & Uncertainty π Review

Bossaerts P, Preuschoff K & Hsu M.
In Paul Glimcher, Colin Camerer, Ernst Fehr, and Russell Poldrack, eds. Neuroeconomics: Decision Making and the Brain. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 2008.
π· Risk & Uncertainty π Book Chapter

Hsu M, Lin HT & McNamara P.
In Kevin McCabe and Daniel Houser, eds. Advances in Health Economics and Health Services Research, 2008.
π· Risk & Uncertainty π· Translational Research π Book Chapter

Camerer C, Bhatt M & Hsu M.
In Bruno Frey and Alois Stutzer, eds. Economics and Psychology: a Promising New Cross-Disciplinary Field. Cambridge, MIT Press, 2007.
π· Risk & Uncertainty π Book Chapter

Hsu M, Bhatt M, Adolphs R, Tranel D & Camerer CF.
Science, 2005.
π· Risk & Uncertainty βοΈ fMRI βοΈ Lesion