🏷 Translational Research

Age-related variability in decision-making: Insights from neurochemistry

DownloadBerry A, Jagust W, & Hsu M. Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience. 2018.

Individual differences in dopamine are associated with reward discounting in clinical groups but not in healthy adults

DownloadCastrellon J, Seaman K, Crawford J, Young J, Smith C, Dang L, Hsu M, Cowan R, Zald D, & Samanez-Larkin G. Journal of Neuroscience. 2018.

Subjective Value Representations during Effort, Probability, and Time Discounting across Adulthood

“Data”DownloadSeaman K, Brooks N, Karrer T, Castrellon J, Perkins S, Dang L, Hsu M, Zald D & Samanez-Larkin G. Social Cognitive & Affective Neuroscience, 2018.

Adult age differences in decision making across domains: Increased discounting of social and health-related rewards

DownloadSeaman K, Gorlick M, Vekaria K, Hsu M, Zald D & Samanez-Larkin G. Psychology and Aging, 2016.

From Laboratory to Clinic and Back: Connecting Neuroeconomic and Clinical Measures of Decision-Making Dysfunctions

DownloadHsu M & Chiong W. In Michael Diefenbach, Deborah Bowen, and Suzanne M. Miller, eds. Handbook of Health Decision Science. Springer, 2016.

Neuroeconomic dissociation of semantic dementia and behavioral variant frontotemporal dementia

DownloadChiong W, Wood K, Beagle A, Hsu M, Kayser A, Miller B & Kramer J. Brain, 2015.

Behavioral variant frontotemporal dementia patients do not succumb to the Allais paradox

DownloadBertoux M, Cova F, Pessiglione M, Hsu M, Dubois B & Bourgeois-Gironde S. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 2014.

Neuroeconomic Measures of Social Decision-Making Across the Lifespan

DownloadZhu L, Walsh D & Hsu M. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 2013.

Financial Errors in Dementia: Testing A Neuroeconomic Conceptual Framework

DownloadChiong W, Hsu M, Wudka D, Miller B & Rosen H. NeuroCase, 2013.

The Neuroeconomics of Decision-Making in the Aging Brain: The Example of Long-Term Care

DownloadHsu M, Lin HT & McNamara P. In Kevin McCabe and Daniel Houser, eds. Advances in Health Economics and Health Services Research, 2008.