Seaman K, Brooks N, Karrer T, Castrellon J, Perkins S, Dang L, Hsu M, Zald D & Samanez-Larkin G.
Social Cognitive & Affective Neuroscience, 2018.
🏷 Risk & Uncertainty 🏷 Time Discounting 🏷 Translational Research ⚙️ fMRI

Kobayashi K & Hsu M.
Journal of Neuroscience, 2017.
🏷 Risk & Uncertainty ⚙️ fMRI

Lieder F, Griffiths T & Hsu M.
Psychological Review, 2017
. 🏷 Risk & Uncertainty ⚙️ Behavioral

Seaman K, Gorlick M, Vekaria K, Hsu M, Zald D & Samanez-Larkin G.
Psychology and Aging, 2016.
🏷 Social Decision-Making 🏷 Risk & Uncertainty 🏷 Translational Research ⚙️ Behavioral

Chiong W, Wood K, Beagle A, Hsu M, Kayser A, Miller B & Kramer J.
Brain, 2015.
🏷 Risk & Uncertainty 🏷 Translational Research ⚙️ Behavioral

Hsu M & Preuschoff K.
in Arthur W. Toga, ed. Brain Mapping: An Encyclopedic Reference, Academic Press, 2015.
🏷 Risk & Uncertainty 📘 Book Chapter

Hsu M & Zhu L.
In Tom Zentall and Phil Crowley, eds. Comparative Decision Making, 2015.
🏷 Risk & Uncertainty 📘 Book Chapter

Bertoux M, Cova F, Pessiglione M, Hsu M, Dubois B & Bourgeois-Gironde S.
Frontiers in Neuroscience, 2014.
🏷 Risk & Uncertainty 🏷 Translational Research ⚙️ Behavioral

Preuschoff K, Mohr P &Hsu M.
Frontiers in Neuroscience, 2013.
🏷 Risk & Uncertainty

Hsu M.
Preface to Investing and the Irrational Mind by Robert Koppel, McGraw-Hill, 2011. 🏷 Risk & Uncertainty 📘 Popular Writing

Hsu M, Krajbich I, Zhao C & Camerer C.
Journal of Neuroscience, 2009.
🏷 Risk & Uncertainty ⚙️ fMRI

Sokol-Hessner P, Hsu M, Curley N, Delgado M, Camerer C & Phelps E.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2009.
🏷 Risk & Uncertainty ⚙️ Psychophysiology

Kang MJ, Hsu M, Krajbich I, Loewenstein G, McClure S, Wang J & Camerer CF.
Psychological Science, 2009.
🏷 Risk & Uncertainty ⚙️ fMRI ⚙️ Psychophysiology

Hsu M.
Journal of Economic Literature, 2009.
🏷 Risk & Uncertainty 📘 Popular Writing

Schultz W, Preuschoff K, Camerer C, Hsu M, Fiorillo C, Tobler P & Bossaerts P.
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, 2008.
🏷 Risk & Uncertainty 📘 Review

Bossaerts P, Preuschoff K & Hsu M.
In Paul Glimcher, Colin Camerer, Ernst Fehr, and Russell Poldrack, eds. Neuroeconomics: Decision Making and the Brain. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 2008.
🏷 Risk & Uncertainty 📘 Book Chapter

Hsu M, Lin HT & McNamara P.
In Kevin McCabe and Daniel Houser, eds. Advances in Health Economics and Health Services Research, 2008.
🏷 Risk & Uncertainty 🏷 Translational Research 📘 Book Chapter

Camerer C, Bhatt M & Hsu M.
In Bruno Frey and Alois Stutzer, eds. Economics and Psychology: a Promising New Cross-Disciplinary Field. Cambridge, MIT Press, 2007.
🏷 Risk & Uncertainty 📘 Book Chapter

Hsu M, Bhatt M, Adolphs R, Tranel D & Camerer CF.
Science, 2005.
🏷 Risk & Uncertainty ⚙️ fMRI ⚙️ Lesion

Saez, I, Lin J, Stolk A, Chang E, Parvizi J, Schalk G, Knight RT & Hsu M.
Current Biology 2018
. 🏷 Risk & Uncertainty ⚙️ ECoG

Kobayashi K & Hsu M.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 2019.
🏷 Risk & Uncertainty 🏷 Learning ⚙️ fMRI