Hsu M.
California Management Review, 2017.
🏷 Neuromarketing 📘 Review

Hsu M.
In Moran Cerf, Manuel Garcia, eds. Consumer Neuroscience, MIT Press, 2017.
🏷 Neuromarketing 📘 Book Chapter

Chen YP, Nelson L & Hsu M.
Journal of Marketing Research, 2015.
🏷 Neuromarketing ⚙️ fMRI

Hsu M & Yoon C.
Current Opinions in Behavioral Sciences, 2015.
🏷 Neuromarketing 📘 Review

Smidts A, Hsu M, Sanfey A, Boksem M, Ebstein R, Huettel S, Kable J, Karmarkar U, Kitayama S, Knutson B, Liberzon I, Lohrenz T, Stallen M & Yoon C.
Marketing Letters, 2014.
🏷 Neuromarketing 📘 Review

Hsu M.
Peer Sphere: The CMO Council Journal, 2012.
🏷 Neuromarketing 📘 Popular Writing

Amaldoss W, Brown A, Chen Y, Cui T, Galasso A, Ho TH, Hossain T, Hsu M, Lim N, Xiao M & Yan B.
Marketing Letters, 2012.
🏷 Neuromarketing 📘 Review